The Witch & The Fool

Today’s episode is dedicated to all that we learn when we embark upon a new journey—about ourselves, others, and the world at large.

Hear how Brenda Rose took a leap of faith (nudged by her Guides) and embraced the energy of The Fool card while visiting the Modern Elder Academy. Yes, even Brenda the Good Witch feels nervous when she travels into the unknown. But she also knows when you tune in and dive in, the Universe will rise up and meet you.

Before any of us enter the space of The Fool, full of curiosity, play, and wonder, we feel uncertain and afraid. Today Julie and Brenda will calm your nerves with guidance about: 

🌟 the importance of permission, especially when your journey involves others 

🌟 how to clarify your intentions before leaping 

🌟 why trepidation is an important part of the process 

Because Earth School is hard…without the courage to take a leap and land exactly where you need to be.

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.