Tarot Love Note: Seven of Water—Honoring Your Sensitivities

The Seven of Water shows up when your sensitivities and emotions are at maximum capacity. So it makes sense that the Seven of Water appears during Pisces Season, the most sensitive astrological sign of them all. The beauty of both Pisces energy and the Seven of Water is to believe what you know and feel to be true.

Teaching of Tarot—Nine of Fire 

This month we explore the Four of Air that reminds us that self-care is how to live consciously and be in the present for everything December brings.

Teachings of the Tarot—Follow The Sun

The Sun reminds you of the many gifts of being human: laughter, music, art, sex, food, friends, family, fun, creation, movement, etc. So often, we forget we have access to this splendor in the present moment, and instead, we only see how good a moment was when we reflect upon it later. Let this be an invitation to live a little more in the present moment—right here, right now. Little habits of gratitude and awareness lead to big changes in perspective.

Transitions: Navigating the In-Between

Spring is a time of transition. After a year of making so many transitions and experiencing a whole lot of “in-betweens,” we welcome this transition because Spring brings so much hope and possibility. Feel your own renewal to keep living your goals, dreams, hopes, and possibilities. Go forth and bloom!

Love and the Beauty of the Unseen

Our external and internal lives have been given many lessons the past year, and although it seems the world has stopped—the exact opposite is true.

It’s in the Cards

The world is constantly changing. Tarot takes you out of the confusion and uncertainty of the world and clarifies your unique place and purpose in it.