September Love Note: Everything’s Changing…
The Tarot Death card can provoke fear or worry, but its message is actually the opposite. It is a card of transformation and transmutation.
Love Note: The Art of Being
Wonder where the day went? What can you do when the grip of time takes hold of you? Pause. Breathe. Be in the moment—the power of presence.
May Love Note: Eclipse Season and the Gifts it Brings
Here on Earth, the slower pace of summer is beginning to let itself be known, and the cosmos are behaving accordingly. With Mercury Retrograde underway, and a total lunar eclipse occurring May 15-16th, you are feeling the pull to slow down and take life one day and one moment at a time. (And if you’re not quite feeling this way yet, don’t worry—you will.)
April Love Note: Nature, Love, and Resonance
Being uncertain where to focus your energy to best serve yourself and others is part of being human. The easiest place to find peace is in nature.
March Love Note: Change and Transition
Consciously make choices to be a positive force for healing and good in the face of pain and destruction.
February 2022: The Year of Love
There’s a lot of talk about renewal in the spring, what if you could get a head start in the spirit of Renewal, right now?
January Love Note: Vision Activation!
Now it’s time to Activate all you’ve discovered and discerned.
New Year Challenge (Part Two)—Taking Inventory
It’s an excellent time to practice being in the present moment. It’s also one of the most challenging times to do so.
New Year Challenge (Part One)—Cultivate Your Vision
Time to feel your way into your future by envisioning, preparing, activating your vision with your plan, then follow through with committed action.