The Kids Are Not Alright
If you were a child in today’s society and you took a look around, what would you see? Hear? And how would you feel?
Spirit Guides 101
What if you could talk with someone, whenever you need to, who loves you unconditionally, gives incredible support and guidance, and always ‘has your back’? Well, guess what? You can.
The Lessons of Family
Here on Earth School, family can teach us the most beautiful lessons, and the most challenging ones. One thing to consider is: How do you see and define ‘family’?
Insider’s Insights
From protection to preparation to releasing and understanding, each question embodies and explores the power of healing, renewal, and support the Other Side offers you each and every day.
What does it mean to be Indifferent, and do you even care?
Athena, Athena, Athena!
Embodying both the sacred masculine and sacred feminine, Athena’s wisdom brings forth the tools and guidance to elevate your spiritual path. Brenda shares how her Athena ‘sisters’ support and care for one another, both in her Athena’s Magical Secrets group and her Athena in Action program.
Esalen’s Welcome
Brenda gives us a glimpse into the magic that occurred when she traveled to the Esalen Institute, located in Big Sur, California, to teach tarot. From visions that occurred where the sacred waters merge, to feeling held and supported by the high vibe of the land and the Esselen Tribe ancestors who call it home—her experience reminds us all that there is great power in the land, water, and skies above you—every day, always.
Pre-Life Planning
Earth School is hard, until you recognize that every moment of your life is part of a Divine plan full of support, grace, and co-creation. And then, even the most difficult circumstances take on a higher meaning and purpose.
Coping with Chaos
Chaotic situations have the power to turn strangers into friends and enemies into teachers. What is required from you is deep soul-searching work that allows you to be fully present. This, of course, is one of Earth School’s most difficult journeys.