
Do you believe in aliens? Known for their intelligence yet feared by many, aliens make us question what’s real, who is watching, and why? Today your Other Side Guides talk all things Otherworldly. From the Bayou to the ‘burbs, alien folklore, sightings, myths, and truths fascinate us all. So tune in today as we explore the world beyond Earth School and the Other Side…

Dream a Little Dream

Today we dive into all things dreams: astral travel, lucid dreaming, recurring dreams, and nightmares. As the domain of the symbolic world, the dream-state is also a wonderful, safe space for visitations from the other side, problem-solving earth-bound challenges, and receiving messages from your subconscious mind.

Dancing with Disasters

Listening to your gut is the smartest move you can make. Checking in with your guidance and following through on your instincts is a way to build confidence, experience peace of mind, and honor the spiritual compass you were born with. Earth School is hard, but often the answers are crystal clear.

The Laundry Witch

Today’s episode weaves together tales that remind you of the power of connection, crystals, the spirit world, and how to center yourself in an off-balanced world. Earth School is hard, but it’s also full of magic… embrace it, and play with it!

You are the Captain of Your Energetic Ship

Do you find yourself struggling with what’s “right” while on your Earth School journey? You are the captain of your energetic ship! Today we’ll teach you how to hold space for what’s right for you. Your path is unique, there is no one answer. It’s essential you find your own true way.

Insider’s Insights

Every heartfelt story leaves you wondering more, and today’s episode begins with a story that makes us ask: can a spirit ever be contained? Earth School is hard, and these physical bodies can be metaphorically heavy, but your spirit and soul can lighten the load with assistance from the Other Side.

Breaking Down Breaking-up

Today we break down the process of breaking up. When a path is cleared before you, it’s an opportunity to rebuild from the ground up. Join us as we discuss: why it’s important to avoid the victim label, how spiritual practices can get you through these periods, and how the Tower card in tarot symbolizes releasing and rebuilding.

The Grief Graduate

When you lose someone you love it’s hard to find your way through the pain of loss. So how do you know when you’re ready to become a grief graduate? The beauty and clarity of the grieving process resides within. Just as Giving is the catalyst for receiving; Grieving is the on-ramp to Living in the Present. Earth School is hard, without the Other Side Guide to Letting Go.

The Urge to Purge: Part 2

Cleansing a space (aka smudging) is performed when you need to clear the energy around your home, your relationships, spirits, habit, cords, and patterns to make room for the new by releasing the old. Your intuition will guide you when it’s time to do either or both. Both practices ask you to consider: what energy supports my vision, and what energy diminishes it? By taking your time, you will feel your way through both practices. Today, we will show you how.