Man, I feel like Womanfesting
Your unlimited power to create is Real! Today we learn the origin of the term Manifesting and how it both differs and relates to the Law of Attraction. We’ll dive into the work needed to align your frequency to what you desire. Your Vibe is essential and you gotta keep it high to make it real.
My Retrograde is an F
Retrograde is Astrological lingo for “planets that appear to be moving backward.” That’s right, they’re not actually spinning out of control… they just look (and feel) like it. There’s your first lesson. Join Julie and Brenda as they give you a taste of what the Retrogrades bring.
Our Silver Linings Playbook
There are moments in time that define who you are, and periods in life that push you to consider who you want to become. Join us today as Julie looks towards the heavens for answers, and Brenda doubles-down on love. Earth School is hard, without a silver lining and the Other Side.
Do I have Spirit Guides?
Your Spirit Guides come into this world with you the day you are born and guide you along your Earth School journey. Join Brenda and Julie as they discuss this beautiful and sacred part of Earth School, where spiritual beings and humans merge and play.
Thriving While Surviving
Wherever you are in this in-between state, join Julie and Brenda as they guide you from Earth School surviving to Other Side thriving. Let’s step back, dive in, and find meaning in the uncertainty.
Insider’s Insights #7
Welcome back to another episode of Insider’s Insights! Today we answer more of your questions and more as we continue to navigate this wonky world we live in together! (With guidance from the Other Side, of course.) Keep your questions coming—we love your curiosity, intelligence, and insight!