Forgiving someone takes courage, strength, and empathy. And sometimes it’s hard to rally, especially when we feel crushed by the actions of another. What can be even more difficult, is forgiving ourselves. Free your heart and lift the weight holding a grudge leaves, with tools and guidance from the Other Side.
A**hole Spirits
The road from Earth School to the Other Side does not automatically turn sinners into saints. Join Brenda and Julie today as they share intimate experiences both have had communicating with wounded souls that have passed. Earth School is hard… allow the Other Side to support you, help you heal, learn, grow, and shift the dynamic.
Vibration Nation
Vibrations are direct guidance from your Guides, directing you to either safety or joy, depending on the moment. There’s so much beauty and power in the things we cannot see, but most certainly feel. Let’s raise your Vibration, with Love and Guidance from the Other Side.
Affairs of the Heart
The most beautiful subject of all… is Love, of course. Whether you are seeking, healing from, thriving in, or newly discovering Love’s magic, you can amplify your intentions in love through rituals and energetic cleansing. Earth School is hard, and Love is the energy that births and binds all living things—here, and on the Other Side.
Do you consciously practice Sacred Rituals too? Rituals can expand your connection with the Divine. Making space for ritual informs and empowers you on your path—with guidance, love, and full support from the Other Side.
Hay, Hay, Hay!
Today we dive into the work of Louise Hay—a pioneer of the Self-Help and Spirituality movement. In this eye-opening and heart-expanding episode, Brenda and Julie share stories of healing and hope, inspired by your body’s innate ability to transform. Join us today as we explore the healing energies of the Other Side as a tool to enhance your everyday well-being.
Hark! Archangels Superpowers
Archangels are spiritual messengers linking Humanity with the Divine Source, and they are here for You. They clear the pathways between the heavens and Earth, supporting you in acknowledging and leveraging your intuition and innate wisdom. Today Julie and Brenda introduce you to a few of these powerful beings, explaining the unique domains they represent but are not limited to.
Akasha What?!
Akashic Records are the Universe’s data-bank of everything that’s ever happened—in the world, in the ether, and yes…that includes You. They are an inventory and an invitation to your potential, integration of your lessons, and progression of your soul-journey. Earth School is Hard, yet it only brings you what you are supposed to have and heal. That is where your lessons lie—courtesy of the Other Side.
Julie and Brenda discuss the power of sacred intention and ritual, and how water plays a dominant role in the energy and frequency you emit. Join us today to learn how to change your H2O to H2-Woah. Earth School is hard—without proper hydration and the Other Side.