Jenny’s Mini-Reading

Today, you are invited to listen to Jenny’s reading. Using Jenny’s Astrological chart as a springboard, Brenda dives into the importance of cleaning your energy fields, setting boundaries, maintaining rituals, and working with Spirit Guides. 

Julie’s Morbid Birthday

Today Julie shares the story of one very special and emotionally intense birthday celebration, for it was on her day of birth she chose to honor her mother by burying her ashes in a memory garden.

What Earth School Lessons Haunt You?

Today Brenda and Julie discuss your prep work before entering a potentially triggering energy space or situation. With clear guidance on how to set boundaries and make choices for your soul’s highest good and healing, so that you can move forward stronger and more aware of your own power.

Melanie’s Reading

Today you meet Melanie and hear her story as Brenda connects with her family members in the spirit realm. Discoveries are made, tears are shed, and we are all reminded that our presence here on Earth is never an accident. 

Price Tags

When you witness or feel an injustice, you have two choices: stand up, or walk on by. And what’s the karmic price-tag we pay for complacency? Life is not a spectator sport—when something feels wrong, being a bystander takes a toll on your soul. For when you devalue something, you devalue yourself too.

Holly’s Reading

Today’s episode brings an exciting, heartfelt, and unexpected twist: our listener Holly hears from her loved ones during a live reading from yours truly, co-host Brenda Rose. Several spirits come through with messages for Holly, in what is certain to bring tears to your eyes and serve as a reminder that our loved ones who have passed are forever by our side.

Spiritual Family

Have you ever felt a bond with someone that you know ties you both together beyond this lifetime? We reincarnate in groups, making past-life agreements to come back together again. Today, we discuss how you can acknowledge your Spiritual Family; how you can both deepen this bond and receive the lessons they offer, here… now.

Short Fuse

Today Julie and Brenda discuss ways to raise your vibe before you even walk out your door. These days, Earth School is like a team sport, and what every player brings to the field matters. You can control your actions and responses to ensure you rise above each moment by bringing your best to any situation. Let the Other Side coach you through with compassion, energetic support, and deep soul hydration.

The COVID Departed

Today we hear from those who have already received messages from people who have died from Covid. From smells, sounds, subtle nudges, dreams, words, and visions — our loved ones know we miss them and long to let us know they are forever with us in Spirit.