The Conjuring

Conjured spirits are born intentionally through those who work in the dark arts. They are part of the ‘ecosystem’ of spirits, and just like the rest of the invisible world, have been around since the dawn of time. Today Julie and Brenda share their experiences and knowledge of the conjured and give clear advice on how to avoid this energetic force at all costs.

Tarot Guinea Pig

Can you remember back to when you were a child and you learned something new that blew your mind and brought you joy that you didn’t know existed? Learning tarot is just like that. Except tarot is nothing like a game—it’s a sacred conversation between you and your Divine. One that brings peace, clarity, confidence, and yes… joy in one of its purest forms.

Billy Ghost

Today Julie and Brenda focus on automatic writing and share how this psychic superpower inspired Julie’s latest book—Billy Ghost, a tender and magical children’s tale about spirit and what lies beyond. Tuning in to the Muse gives you the confidence to know and feel that there is always help and wisdom being offered to you from the Other Side. All you need to do is surrender…

Insider’s Insights – Shona

Today’s episode is inspired by a diverse and thoughtful array of questions submitted by our listener Shona. Brenda and Julie explore the varied and nuanced connections we make while in Earth School, and how those connections help us feel seen and understood.

Haunted AirBnB

Today Brenda shares her haunted AirBnB experience, in a home bursting with spirits, spooks, and conjured entities that surrounded her 24/7. After learning the history of the home, and future plans for the property, Brenda knew her landing there was no coincidence. The question was, could she energetically survive the process? 

Helen’s Mini-Reading

Breaking generational cycles is a path we choose when we are placed here to heal and expand. When tears flow from one person, they flow through the collective—as a whole—carrying with them the power to wash away the barriers that bind generational cycles of pain—and turning them into a body of strength, support, and wisdom for present and future loved ones.

Vibrational Cycles

Do you ever question what kind of vibe you are putting ‘out there’? Wonder if you are bringing the right energy to a space, moment, or memory? Uncertain if you are bringing a vibe up, or dragging it down? Well, you’re not alone. Being intentional with your vibration and energy is hard work!

Insider’s Insights – Mona Part 2

Todays’ episode picks up where we left off last week—contemplating profound questions, courtesy of our listeners. We also discuss the energy and emotions of Empaths, and the importance of protecting yourself energetically; Sharing tools and wisdom on how to define what’s yours to carry, and ways to let go of the rest. Earth School isn’t always easy… but the Other Side has some pretty fine Cliffs Notes and teachers here for ya…

Insider’s Insights – Mona Part 1

Today’s episode is inspired by our Insightful listener Mona, and her thought-provoking questions about addictions and energy ‘echoes’. And our answers are inspired by the fearless, loving, energy of the Other Side.