December Love Note: Welcome Pluto in Aquarius


Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, moved into its new home, Aquarius, on November 19th, 2024. Since 2008, it has resided in the sign of Capricorn, forcing us to look into things at a deep level.

February Love Note: Queen of Fire—Radical Self-Love

It’s February! You made it through the longest nights of natural darkness, and although it may still be quite frigid where you are, one thing is certain: brighter days are on their way! February’s love note is about the Queen of Fire and self-love.

December Love Note: Five of Air, Temperance, and Graceful Embodiment 

This time of year, the social pressure can lead to annoyance or overwhelm and evolve into a real desire to check out. So, it’s no surprise that our Tarot card pull for this month is the Five of Air. It’s a card of adaptability, boundary setting, and a reminder to tune into your inner world when the outer appears crazy.

November Love Note: Ace of Earth—Be the Light You Seek

For the month of November, we talk about the energetic progress forward, forcefulness, and independence of Aces. They indicate something new is on the horizon and carry an energy similar to many of the Major Arcana cards. So, the question is now, what new beginning is in store for you? The answer to that depends on which direction you want to go, and what light you will use to guide you. The big question to answer is, where’s your True North?