Remember, you are loved

Let’s do a wellness check-in: Have you been feeling angry, full of doubt, or uber-judgemental? Brenda Rose refers to this as “spinning out.” She’s noticed this pattern lately in her readings, and within herself. So, why are all the high-vibe people currently so stressed out?

Join us today as we discuss how you can shift the energy of any given moment to release the frustrations that are bubbling within. Remember, when we forget to pause before reacting, our emotions come out sideways, but you have the power to redirect them.

Does any of this resonate with you? Then tune in today for a tune-up… because Earth School is hard without a reminder of what Other Side love is all about.

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.