Our Silver Linings Playbook

There are moments in time that define who you are, and periods in life that push you to consider who you want to become. 

Without contrast, it’s hard to see a clear picture. The contrast of current times to where we were collectively just a year ago, can guide your energy and help you focus. You may be feeling this shift toward knowing more about the most important person in your life—You. 

Join us today as Julie looks towards the heavens for answers, and Brenda doubles-down on love. Earth School is hard, without a silver lining and the Other Side.

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.