Fall is upon us, and it’s natural to begin reflecting on the past year as well as dreaming of the year ahead. Considering 2020 has not gone according to anyone’s plan, how can you possibly wrap your head around 2021 and move forward with confidence or certainty?
In one of my recent blogs, I talked about Faith in Action. When you have Faith in Action, coupled with a plan of action, you can energetically move from React and Regret to Recharge and Reset. So the question becomes: How can you take the lessons of 2020 and apply them to your dreams and goals of 2021 and beyond?
If you’d like a process for taking an inventory of where you are in your current state, click here.
During the last weekend of September, my Athena’s Magical Secrets participants attended their closing retreat. This required all of us to be flexible and adjust our expectations because the retreats have always been in person. With attendees coming from all parts of the country, that was simply not possible nor wise with COVID. However, the weekend was pure magic. When you bring the energy of Athena into a space, obstacles cease to exist.
I’m in awe of all the ways humanity has tapped into its creativity, emotions, and options during times of necessary adjustment. One of the Athena Sister said of the virtual retreat, “After a-bit, the ‘Zoom-factor’ just melted away, and we just felt reunited again. It was great!”
My Athena Sisters continue to amaze me and have inspired me to “think outside the box” as I weave together my Vision for Athena 2021. To stay informed as this unfolds, connect with me here.

And speaking of Magic… This time of year is the half-way point between Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice—a time where the nights are getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days are getting shorter. There’s a Sacred Gateway to the spiritual world opening, and all of Nature invites us to “turn inside.” Think of it as snuggling up to your Soul to consult the guidance within.
It’s the time wherein many cultures have traditions that include keeping or creating sacred space to honor loved ones who have passed. There are many ways to hold these people and their Spirit close to you always, and there are rituals you can partake in to deepen your connection, no matter what the season. Here are some pathways to get you started. Of course, these are general suggestions to serve as a foundation, don’t be limited by what’s offered; instead, get creative, bring what your heart inspires—and call your loved ones who’ve passed on home to your heart! Happy Spirit Season!
- Think about those who set the foundation of love in your heart. Tell a story of them to someone who didn’t know them. By sharing this story of your loved one, you are sharing your own foundational story of love.
- Write your loved one a love letter or a thank-you note. Consider burying it 12 inches or more beneath the ground to symbolize the foundation or stability they provided you with.
- Honor one of the lessons this person gave you (intentionally or otherwise) by sharing it. Share your lineage and wisdom with grace by telling someone one-on-one, writing a blog, or posting on social media.
- Write in a journal something you would like to hear or know from this loved one still—perhaps in a dream or spirit message.

As we continue to navigate Earth School together, remember you are not alone in your struggle to stay calm when things around you feel uncertain and unstable. It’s human nature. During these times, we all need a reminder to use our spiritual practices and tools to restore and maintain our high vibe. Connect with your sacred space within. Reach out to your tribe when you need support, or you’re ready to support someone else. Nothing helps you feel fully alive, like helping someone else.
I am here for you.