As November gets underway, you may have already found yourself making plans for the holiday season. These traditions may bring joy to your world; they also may bring anxiety. Prepping for the holidays is much like preparing a dish you know by heart but still, keep the recipe within reach: you know how it’s going to turn out, you think you’ve got it all covered, and yet there’s a chance something may get tossed in or be omitted from the mixture that could mess the whole thing up…so you vow to follow the tried and true guide in order to keep that from happening.
But what if? What if you added something new to the mix? Make it unique and more true to your standards; change it up a bit with some further information or techniques you’ve learned? Would others accept that? Enjoy it? Encourage you to adapt and play some more? Or would it be rejected because tradition is tradition, and you’ve blurred that line?
When you have experienced any growth or spiritual change, it alters your earthly palate—aka, your tastes change. What was once pleasurable may suddenly seem too bland or too pungent. Often, this is a solo endeavor, so the requirements/tastes of those around you most likely haven’t shifted. Does this mean you should continue to do things the way they’re always done to please the masses? Never learn something new for fear of rejection? Of course not.
In Tarot, The Hierophant is the “wounded healer.” He is someone who is quite skilled at taking care of others but not so great at taking care of himself. When the Hierophant appears in a reading, his message is clear: address and heal your wounds so that you can come into your own and live the life designed for you by the Divine. The Hierophant comes to us at a teaching time of our journey. What does this have to do with the holidays, preparing, and planning? Well, there’s no better time to test who you are and what you’re made of than the holiday season. And the Hierophant is here as head chef at the table, reminding you to include these steps as you cook up your plans and make reservations on your calendar:
Step One: Take time for you. Stay extra dedicated to your self-care routines.
Step Two: Check in with yourself often, asking: What do I need? What help do I need to ask for? Have I allowed myself space to take care of myself properly?
Step Three: Is what I am doing aligned with who I am? Many of us repeat societal norms in the name of not “stirring the pot.” But is this truly what brings me peace and joy? Does the status quo invigorate me?
Step Four: Invite space for rest, stay hydrated, seek time in nature, and participate in an activity that honors your mind/body/soul.
Gathering with people you love and care about can be full of all the joys being human brings (which was our Tarot card for the month of October, The Sun!). We all have an innate desire to be generous in heart and spirit, and we know and love feeling those vibrations coming from others. This is the rich, hearty, nourishing, earthly stuff that makes being human pleasurable and filling. The Hierophant is asking you to consider what YOU need to do for yourself first to be present at life’s table fully.
As you prepare for the holidays and beyond, I have been preparing a few soulful and spiritual offerings of my own to share. In 2023, I will teach several courses at the beloved Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. My first weeklong offering starts in March: Tarot Level 1: Revealing the Sacred Stories of Tarot—Affirming Your Intuitive Guidance will take place March 20–24, 2023. As always, there is space for you at the table, but early reservations are strongly recommended if you’d like your first choice of accommodations. These immersive offerings are in tune with The Hierophant—deeply feeding your soul and spirit in a communal setting that brings seekers from all over the world together as one. I hope you consider adding something new to your mix in 2023 and joining me.