May Love Note: Eclipse Season and the Gifts it Brings

Here on Earth, the slower pace of summer is beginning to let itself be known, and the cosmos are behaving accordingly. With Mercury Retrograde underway, and a total lunar eclipse occurring May 15-16th, you are feeling the pull to slow down and take life one day and one moment at a time. (And if you’re not quite feeling this way yet, don’t worry—you will.)

Let’s reflect on the energy of the past six weeks and see how that movement got us here today. We’ve had all the planets moving forward for over six weeks—contributing to the intensity and pace of life. After all, it was Aries season, so this internal intensity’s purpose was to shake you up a bit, even if it felt quite jarring at times. You may have been feeling more anxiety, increased uncertainty, or just a general edginess you couldn’t explain. Now, Taurus season is here, bringing calmness and asking you to trust your intuition and release overthinking. Remember that intuitive hits often feel like a knowing—a “whisper”, or a gentle “sense” of peacefulness, solidity, and true to self. Intuition lands softly yet solid in your belly.

On the other hand, anxiety leads you to keep questioning, keep pacing, and keep volleying your ideas back and forth across the landscape of your mind. If you have a meditation practice, double down on it. If you don’t, now is a great time to begin this journey. I have found meditation is the way to access your intuition and calm the anxious chatter with more certainty and clarity.

Time spent in nature supports your choice to live consciously in harmony with the cosmos—as well as rest, self-care, and ancient arts like yoga and Breathwork. All these practices align with the Taurean vibe, which is all about home, comfort, and security. Your first and forever home is You—your body, mind, and soul. So make sure to practice forms of self-care that align you with this fact: you’ve got the power to integrate and transcend whatever comes your way. And when you stumble, trip, or get stuck—it’s temporary, natural, and a-ok.

May’s lunar eclipse is all about endings and beginnings, as all lunar eclipses are. This moment in time will support you as you see the reasons for the intensity of April and recognize how those moments are part of the evolution of self. There is nothing to be afraid of. Facing your fears, honoring your authenticity, and exposing your shadow self are all supported by this lunar phase. Close your eyes and picture the moon disappearing and reappearing, bathed, cleansed, and ready. This energy is setting the tone for the next six months, so yes… that means in November of 2022, you’ll integrate all your learning and uncovering, just in time for a new year.

But now is the time to downshift into the solidity and steady Earth. Be patient with yourself and others as surprises—big and small present themselves so you can clear the decks in the most auspicious way possible!

Prepare yourself to be stretched into learning and embrace the slow vibe of deep reflection and rejuvenation. Hold it lovingly.

Love & Light,
and Magical Lunar Eclipse Blessings,

Love and Light,


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