Now more than ever, we require more Joy. Just typing this makes me giggle from the irony, because lately the world feels like anything but joy.
Yes, Earth School is indeed hard. Unpredictable. Challenging. Exhausting, and…
Let’s review: Earth School is our human experience. It’s one sliver of an expansive Divine Universe that is full of love and pain, lessons and blessings, disappointments and inspirations — and all the feels.
You decide what and how to do those feelings with your thoughts, words, energy, and actions. You can use your energy to uphold an expansive vibration of love, or a contracting low vibration. No matter what’s going on — that choice is always yours.
And if you’re still reading, I have a good idea which frequency you’ll feed.
Some say, ‘perfect conditions here on Earth School will never exist. Humans are too fickle.’ But I offer the analogy that no matter what weather is happening around you, you can carry the warmth, the wet, the dry, the cold inside you wherever you go. What’s your mixed vibe today?
Don’t let the contrast of what’s external control your internal experience. Yes, Earth School can go from disappointing to devastating, but it’s not helpful nor purposeful if you allow it to have all your energy.
Last month I asked you to Rest, and I want you to keep doing so. (Remember all those outer planets are still on the move.) Now, I want you to remember to feel Joy. Here’s why:
If you think about it in terms of vibration, negative energy can only be balanced by positive energy. No, this does not mean you walk around taking a spiritual bypass, pretending nothing is wrong and that all is sweetness and puppies. What you CAN do is honor your inner guidance, your Spiritual connection to the Divine and find your personal ‘truth bumps’ threshold where you hold and embody that sacred: “as above, so below.”
This is the Magician key of Tarot. It’s the second card of the deck, and it tells you that at your best, you are infused and aligned with Divine Guidance; it reminds you of your strength, your magic, and your insights to balance your Spiritual/Divine self with your Human self.
Embrace Earth School and all its wonders, but don’t abandon your Spirit/Energetic knowing. Instead CARE for your Spirit in order to support your Earth School journey. It’s waaay too hard without a Spiritual infusion. And infuse your Earthly journey with the Spark and Magic of your Spiritual self, so Earth School doesn’t become too heavy or an obligation.
Honoring both aspects of you is where the Joy lies. What makes this life precious is that we know it is short compared to our Spiritual selves.
“What will YOU do with your one precious life?” What will your energy legacy be? Decide today. Declare it. Embrace it. Embody it. Own it.
If you want to learn more about the Magician card and the rest of the 77 cards of The Beauty of Tarot to infuse your life with beautifully supportive guidance, please join me at Easlen May 12-16. This is my only in-person Tarot Class this year, in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Housing fills up FAST! So don’t delay. Can’t wait to see you there.
“As Above, So Below.” Joyfully. Hold. That. Magical. Space.