Fresh off the energy of the Summer Solstice, we now begin our flow into the second half of the year. For many of you, this mid-way point occurs right as the full heat of summer intensifies, making July and August a time when you want to stay active and play outside to take full advantage of the waning Sun. Yet, your body may seek cooler indoor spaces, a.k.a. “comfort zones.”

Our tarot card for July is the Six of Fire. In Tarot, the Fire element represents creativity, inspiration, new direction, and intensity. Throughout July, you will feel this Fire as intensely as the Sun. It’s visionary energy, holding all that you feel but cannot see (yet). Six represents healing, momentum building, and the energy of personal responsibility. It’s love, family, security, and balance.
At the beginning of the month, we had a Full Moon in Capricorn, amplifying your drive to create, apply your skills, learn, and earn. However, we all have moments of great resistance when we are close to making the changes in our lives we so desperately need and desire. In this way, we are much like the heat of mid-summer. Full of opportunities to grow yet wanting to crawl back into the cool shade of the familiar and known. So if you’ve been feeling stuck in your profession, relationship, or vocation, you may have felt more significant frustration or disappointment recently. Be mindful and honor whatever you feel while promising to be proactive in pursuing personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.
How can you do this?
One powerful healing practice is to work with your Chakras. Chakra work helps clear old energy and allow new energy to flow. There is a myriad of mantras and affirmations associated with Chakra work, and for today we will begin with simple yet powerful and personalized expressions you can create for your needs and goals. Take a moment to journal the following affirmations and finish each statement to activate this energy throughout your mind/body:

First Chakra (root): I am…
Second Chakra (sacral): I allow…
Third Chakra (solar plexus—there’s that Fire again!): I feel…
Fourth Chakra (heart): I love…
Fifth Chakra (throat): I speak…
Sixth Chakra (third eye): I trust…
Seventh Chakra (crown): I honor…
Source: Cristi Christiansen’s Chakra Rituals: Awakening the Wild Women Within
Or check out my Chakra podcasts here: Chakra Khan part one, and Chakra Khan part two.)
This practice is an excellent mid-year reset to clarify your truth and work through resistance. When you’ve completed your personal Chakra affirmations, place your statements where you can see them daily, hanging them in your home or storing them as the screensaver on your device. Narrowing down what you believe, feel, honor, and value in this way magnifies the intentions you set for the second half of your year. This on-ramp of momentum and focus is as healing as it is productive. Being present with what you want, and aligning it to how you want to achieve it, is cause for celebration, for you are tuning into the abundant divine guidance, and anytime you do this, you survive and thrive. In this way, you are honoring all the cosmic energy that’s all around, from the previous Full Moon in Capricorn to the Six of Fire tarot message and leading into the New Moon in Cancer on July 17th.

New Moons hold the energy of new beginnings, asking you to contemplate what you want to bring more of into your life. Keep this in mind as you create or fine-tune your Chakra statements, staying meticulously mindful of your selections for something full of old info that cannot hold or download anything new. You can also use this time to clear out things from your physical space that no longer serve you, from clothing to data; progress is progress, and forward movement in the form of cleaning and clearing always brings peace and clarity. Release anything you’ve been holding onto (physically, emotionally, or spiritually) that feels stuck in the past or doesn’t serve you any longer. For additional support (and a much-needed moment to rest and reset), check out my New Moon Ritual.
Slow and steady dedication wins when you’ve set the goals, the rules, and the rewards. With your focus and ability to let everything else go, the odds are stacked in your favor. And remember, no one makes it here in Earth School flying solo. Welcome in your Spirit Guides, trusted friends, family, and higher power so they, too, can celebrate, manifest, guide, and support you along the way. And if you feel the call to enlist additional support, check out the upcoming offerings and workshops I have designed for you HERE. There’s so much to look forward to, and I am honored anytime I can assist you with your growth, potential, connection, and healing.
Because you can do this, you can do anything…