Insider’s Insights #29

Here ya go: It’s time for another round of Insiders Insights, where we answer your questions and curiosities! Today, we explore inquiries about:

🗝️ Facts and fads related to generational trauma and inherited DNA

💫 Traits of the top three astrological placements (sun, moon, and rising)

🙏 Brenda’s upcoming Spirit Guide workshop at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California (this June!)

Have a question you’d like spiritual guidance on? DM us on IG @OtherSideGuides

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.