How Do You Ignite Your Love?


All of us, at times, could use more love or support in our life. For many, it seems the more Love we give, the more tired we feel, and yet we know real Love feels the opposite. What does it mean to Love? And how can we stay open to accepting and recognizing it when it’s near? How can we give and receive this powerful energy unconditionally?

I’m certain every one of you is unaware of the perfect love others see in you. That’s because it’s often hard to acknowledge our own magic and the strength and power of our personal vibration. Love is being vulnerable. Love is being kind. Love is what we share with one another with simple gestures and big dedications. Love, when given freely, vibrates and shatters all dimensions. And Love begins within.

I know when I’m in the presence of love, my energy lights up like a sunrise. I want to bottle it, share it, expand it…and share it with people around me. Simply saying the word Love brings warmth and glowing energy. It’s the most powerful word in every language. No other word can conjure up a smile, a tear, a laugh, a memory, a swelling in the heart, and of course, a tinge of pain. Love propels us forward and gives us eternal hope. When we truly love, it’s palpable and undeniable.

Now, as we all feel the warmth and glow of spring, I want you to dedicate time each day to love. Most importantly, the love you have for yourself, that is the foundation for the love you are able to give others and receive in return. Meditate on the ways you can show love to another. Reach out and tell those you love not only how much you love them, but how you see and feel love through them. And contemplate ways you’d like to share your love with your community and the world. Our personal energy is so powerful. Radiating love will change the vibrational energy of this planet. In this, there is no doubt. Ignite your Love

Love and Light,


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