Folklore: Dragons

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…. a Dragon?!?

Invoking fear and flying with a flourish, Dragons have mystified humans since the birth of recorded time. Today, we’ll discuss how Dragons have been perceived through the lenses of Literature, Art, Film, Science, History, and Religion. Julie and Brenda share real and personal tales of these mighty beasts, lending facts to these oft-dismissed fire-breathing beauties. So tune in for Part Three of our Folklore series, because…

Earth School is hard, but fierce and friendly can co-exist.

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.