December Love Note: Welcome Pluto in Aquarius


Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, moved into its new home, Aquarius, on November 19th, 2024. Since 2008, it has resided in the sign of Capricorn, forcing us to look into things at a deep level. Topics and areas related to:

  • Our public or professional reputations
  • How we make our money
  • Traditional thinking, frameworks, and structures
  • Utilization of resources
  • Banking
  • Government

These can be areas we can get uncomfortable with when we dig into them, to say nothing of taking responsibility for all of our actions.

Consider your 2008-2024 time frame and all that has changed within you and around you.

  • How did your personal situations break down only to reveal an inner authenticity or resilience?
  • How did you manage feeling forced to navigate deep, uncharted waters?
  • Did you turn to numbing or denial? This is often a popular first move in the face of a core issue or wound.
  • How did you recenter yourself?

Now expand your scope and consider the collective — there’s been a whole lot of reconciliation and transformation. That’s Pluto’s power: bringing things from the depths to the surface so you can re-evaluate and figure out a better way to move forward. Transformation is the only move to make; transcendence is a choice.

But now you know how Pluto rolls. You can set yourself up for success for this Plutonian shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Be willing to dig deep into your inner realms and embrace that everything has a purpose. All you’ve learned, lost, and acquired has served you in some way. Very similar to the birthing process, the pain has produced a new you. And now, with Pluto entering Aquarius, You are free to be who you were put on this Earth to be.

Pluto in Aquarius (from now until 2043!) will allow you to redesign your own personal Revolution. You’ve been preparing for this energetically. The energy of Aquarius asks you to consider innovating everything:

  • How am I up-leveling who I am and how I show up that consistent with my vision of me?
  • Tribes — Who in my world do I want to double down my connections, and what are the new and inspiring sources for the next phase of my life?
  • Community — how can I add value to my community in meaningful, not just convenient ways?
  • What coping mechanisms do I discard because they no longer serve this inspired new version of me?

As you enter this stage, you can still expect some growing pains and rawness around the edges. This is normal and a good indicator you are growing. These new expressions of Self will come with a price because when Pluto transitions, it hits your nervous system in entirely new ways, putting you “on edge.”  This edge is your Fool card — an invitation to embark on a new journey, shed the past, integrate the life lessons, and welcome a New Beginning.

Going forward, expect sweet relief from the constriction Pluto in Capricorn bestowed upon all of us. Allow space for innovation, deep connections that fuel your spirit, and that irresistible urge to non-conform guide you to step out of your shadow and into the light of greater self-expression. 

Be open. Be authentic. Be kind to yourself and others.

Fool Card - Beauty of Tarot Deck by Brenda Rose

Love and Light,


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