December Love Note: Five of Air, Temperance, and Graceful Embodiment 


As 2023 comes to a close and we begin to look forward to a new year, there are a few thoughts I’d like you to ponder. And don’t worry, this isn’t a quiz with a grade attached. In fact, I’m going to give you the answer. 

Take a moment to reflect on the following: 

  • What does it mean to be fulfilled and at peace in mind, body, and Spirit?
  • How can you stay grounded in your physical body while staying attuned to your spirituality, knowing you are a significant part of this great big world while acknowledging there’s only so much you can do to alter the direction of it? 

The answer to all these questions is: Full Embodiment. 

So, what is Embodiment? It’s when your physical body is aligned with your energy, attuned to the power of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and vibrations. 

Piece of cake, right?

This time of year, the social pressure can lead to annoyance or overwhelm and evolve into a real desire to check out. It’s almost expected and encouraged. Fill in the blank on the following questions to gauge where you may need some fine-tuning. The answers are all yours. 

Currently, I need to avoid indulging in too much ____ and focus more on ____. 

Now, take your answers and reflect on how to balance this energy so you don’t awaken in 2024 out of whack and not entirely sure how you got there. 

Embodiment is challenging to attain when your head is spinning. So, it’s no surprise that our Tarot card pull for this month is the Five of Air. While my tarot students are always advised to remember there are no bad cards, Five of Air is one of those that cause many to pause when it pops up in a reading. Symbolizing an intensity of mental stress, which can take many forms. Its image reminds us of the mask of deception and the experience of being judged. However, as with all challenging Tarot cards, it’s a blessing in disguise, for the Five of Air asks you to tap into versatility and focus on the possibilities around you…not just what’s happening on the surface. It’s a card of adaptability, boundary setting, and a reminder to tune into your inner world when the outer appears crazy

In the Spirit of so much shifting, I also pulled a support card to see how we can all collectively manage this Five of Air energy, and I got the Temperance card. It’s one of the most welcomed cards in the deck. It signifies letting go of the past to enter a rebirthing cycle fully. It reminds you that you are held lovingly by the Divine, a force of a Creator, supporting us to break free from societal expectations or creations of despair and suffering. 

Balancing the energies of both cards compels us to express and experience vulnerability, which is at the Heart of Embodiment. And Embodiment is our goal here on Earth. 

Your physical body is the challenge to transcend to become a spiritual person. Through this human body, you channel Spirit, experience ecstatic energy, and elevate your vibe without limitations. Your human form is what tethers you to this Earth, bearing the weight of your thoughts, emotions, experiences, and existential yearnings. So you must honor it as the perfectly designed vessel that it is. 

In a recent podcast episode, my co-host Julie and I explored Embodiment and how it relates to happiness. You can check it out here. The search for happiness is a theme for many of our podcast listeners this year, and I surmise it has also been a theme for you.

The holidays can be a time of great joy as you reunite with loved ones. It can also be an experience of discomfort, difficulties, and discernment. So relax your jaw, roll open your shoulders, and take as many deep breaths as helpful. 

And remember, you were not created to navigate Earth School alone. And you are here in a physical form to use it as a tool toward more profound enlightenment, connection, community, depth, and understanding. As you apply the tools that help melt away the external noise, look at how you can honor your physical form and use it as a tool toward more profound enlightenment. Meditate, journal, move your body, and rest to receive spiritual guidance. Remember, it’s the contrast of the physical and the etheric, the head and the heart, where you find your footing on the pathway to true Embodiment.

With Love, Light, and Blessings for an Embodied New Year.

Love and Light,


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