It’s been awhile since I’ve last reached out, and I don’t know how you’re feeling right now, but wow…here we all are mid-year and all I can say is: Anything new in your world?
Of Course There Is! Ha! The past four months numerous retrograde planets have ushered in one of the most intense cosmic resets any of us have ever experienced. Everything you know, and knew, is being tested, shaken, and reassembled. This process is quite disorienting. Intuitively, you know that something bigger than any of us is at play.
This reckoning is a call for renewal.
After initial disorientation comes focus and clarity. The destructive parts of COVID and Social Reform always get more attention, but it’s what follows that delivers the value: Healing, Uniting, Compassion, Justice, and great Love.
This is your time to re-evaluate what serves your life purpose, and what it is you are ready to let go of. Sometimes this clearing happens fast; other times it is hard and laborious. No matter where you are right now on your personal journey, and at what speed it is occurring, know that it is worth it. You may feel like much of the uncertainty and instability around the globe, that change is out of your control. Your power lies in how you choose to approach and respond to the changes occurring all around you — both externally and internally.

Part of this great Surrender is learning how to embrace and utilize the changes in the world to help bring out the best version of you and active your untapped potential during this time of global and energetic transitioning. Below are small two examples from my personal journey and how this external shift pushed my internal shifts. I was forced out of my comfort-zone and into new possibilities…
To be honest, I’m not very good at writing newsletters. Months go by, and procrastination turns into clear avoidance which leads to frustration and uncertainty and so on and so on… the pandemic has exacerbated this habitual cycle, making me question if a newsletter even matters? If anyone reads them? Do they have a purpose?
Instead of turning away from this discomfort (as was my habit) I leaned into it and dug deep for what would serve my life purpose. (I can’t ask you to do something I’m not willing to do, right?) I came to a new insight: This is no longer going to be a “Newsletter.” From now on, I will send out monthly “Love Notes.” My passion and purpose have always been to remind you of your power, light, potential, and purpose and there is always more love to support you than you can image. To connect you with that which is greater than all of us, in whatever way you choose to define your experience of Divine.
Simply re-naming this process from Newsletter to Love Note changes the energy and fills my heart. And I need your help, too: So please, send me your thoughts, questions, and your inspirations so that I can address the issues you care about or have question around, or that affect you the most as we navigate this world together. Connect with me here.

Many of you know my work as an executive coach and trainer, or as spiritual guide. Part of my world, until COVID, required that I travel, speak, and gather with people in intimate and large group settings. Obviously, that is on pause. After the initial disorientation, I had to learn how to adjust my offerings to make them accessible and impactful, while distancing. My March in-person Tarot class was immediately moved online. I was so nervous to see if it would still be the experience I wanted for everyone.
The adjustments, energy, intensity, and power of that online course blew my mind—confirming what we already know to be true, but often forget: When you take the time to whole-heartedly create sacred energetic space, no matter how or where—MAGIC happens. It’s that super-charged energy that makes the experience light up, even in a virtual space. The readings coming out of this class were amazing and totally dialed-in!
This inspired me to move even deeper into this realm and following the Tarot class I offered my Spirit Guides course online (something I would have never even considered before.) Again, the class was absolutely lit-up with energy, and love, and deeply sacred connections. This has inspired me to design even more offerings for you including Enneagram work, Mediumship practice, and a brand-new Athena program for small groups looking to do a deep dive, called Athena Circles. I am really excited about these shifts and the more accessible ways I can offer spiritual tools and guidance, empowering coaching, and create communities of love and support in powerful ways. More details on these new offerings to come in my future Love Notes. (wink)

I leave you with this thought: Instead of asking “when is this all going to end?” ask how you can bring the best version of yourself forward? Not only during these transitional times but always. Remember, it is all possible—when you Ignite and Own your Magic. We need it now more than ever.