In every situation, you have to start with your state of being, mindfully accessing where you are, and how much and what kind of energy you have available to you—which dictates what you can do, have, be, and offer to the world in Earth School. In order to do this, you have to pause. This is why rest is so important. Rest is critical. It’s your foundation.
Everything you do is dictated by how much energy you have.
Wherever you reside, so much feels chaotic. I’m in the US, where we have our own set of hot messes to deal with. I have to accept what is before I can tap into my foundational state of being in order to be smart, strategic and exigent with my energy.
The call to rest right now can feel counterintuitive. You feel these shifts all around and jump to: I’ve got to do something. As a collective and as an individual, you are about to have some big things coming. This is an opportunity to find the grace, wisdom, and magic that happens when working with what is not—resilience, quiet resolve, and rest.
2025 is a 9 year that invites you to take a look around. Figure out what is essential to you upfront. It is a year of transformation. Outer planets are changing signs in a way that has never happened before. We don’t have a conscious memory of what to expect, and we don’t have any written data. So, our nervous system is taking a hit from trying to process what that means and how we’ll successfully navigate this. We don’t know the solution to that stressor. Instead of resisting it and creating anxiety, you have to go with it. Go inward to go forward. In order to handle all this change in the best way you can, you have to be rested. You simply have to rest.
Figure out what’s essential and pull your energy back from everything else. If it’s not feeding you, if it’s confusing, if you feel you’re not ready for it yet… pull it back. Just pull it back and say, “I see you.” Make a declaration that you won’t overcommit your energy this year. Stay open and aware, but do not overextend this year, because 2025 is more of a wrapping up than a beginning.
Throughout this entire year, be mindful and clear out. Purge to prepare for 2026. Make space for what you desire.
Prepare by taking inventory, discerning, and spending quiet time in reflection and awareness of your inner guidance. In this way, you’ll be able to decide what is right for you. All of this inner work requires a clear mind and a fueled heart, which requires a rested mind and body.
Find the space. Take a moment to look at your schedule. Figure out how you are going to get 30 more minutes of rest for at least three nights a week. As a culture, we are overcommitted, overworked, and under-rested. This doesn’t mean you have to be asleep. You could be reading. You could be taking a bath, meditating, forest bathing, breathing mindfully… whatever keeps you focused on refueling, rest, and recovery. Rest is about winding down your energy in order to feel energized, strengthened, clear, and conscious of your Energy, giving you the freedom and power to bring your highest self to Earth School each day in unlimited and transformative ways.
Spring Workshop Offerings:
Rest comes in many forms, and taking time away from the hustle of the everyday to expand your spiritual knowledge can heal and refuel you while honoring your innate intuitive gifts.So, if your version of refueling includes being in breathtakingly beautiful nature, enjoying delicious, organic food, and being with open-minded and open-hearted people, please join me in Esalen, May 12-16, for Tarot Level 1. Everything you need to know about this workshop can be found here. Accommodations fill quickly, and scholarships through Esalen are available.