Freedom Begins Within


It’s safe to say the temperature outside isn’t the only thing that’s hot these days. So many hot-button issues are causing tempers to flare, making you wonder how in the world you’re supposed to simmer down when emotions continuously bubble up from events and circumstances that feel out of your control. Now is the perfect time to remember who you are—and the power and the tools you have to navigate any situation. 

We all know clear minds make clear decisions. When the pendulum of the world swings radically in one direction or another, laws of physics—what goes up, must come down—come into play. There will forever be a yin to the yang. Staying grounded takes a lot of work. Fortunately, there is unlimited support around you always, in the form of meditationmind/body exercises, like-minded social justice groups, or a simple call to a dear friend. 

This doesn’t mean you should deny any of your emotions. Instead, it’s a reminder that those emotions are temporary. They serve as an on-ramp toward mindful engagement and a place-marker for what you stand for and believe in. In this fear-filled world around you, how can you create the space for the grace that allows joy and love to still lead the way despite all the obstacles? Setbacks will always occur… It’s how you pivot and direct your energy that matters.

That’s because true freedom is an inside job. Only you can empower you. And when you claim your path of empowerment, you resonate at a higher vibe, which invites others to do the same. Being proactive in the direction of peace, freedom, and equality means recognizing each moment as a turning point, a marker in time, where you get to choose how you will engage and direct the energy through your body in a healthy, sustainable way. This is the way toward that clear mind, that enlightened state we all seek as we walk this earth together as one. 

Working with Spirit is especially powerful when your heart and mind feel troubled. Your Spirit Guides are literally here to guide you, in good times and bad. They walk beside you every single day and love to problem-solve together. Invite them in now. Mindfully bring them closer to your daily life. They are always by your side, something even the most advanced seeker sometimes forgets. Reach out, tune in, and see where they take you. If you’re searching for guidance and support on how to connect deeper with this deeply personalized Soul Tribe, I invite you to join my upcoming workshop, Finding Your Spirit Guides: Building A Relationship with the Unseen World, June 5-9th, on the sacred land of Esalen in Big Sur, California. Remember, housing accommodations at Esalen go quickly, so it’s always best to book early if you can. 

And remember, even though there’s so much we feel yet cannot see, beauty and support is always around you. And, it’s in the embrace of the Unseen World where you are given the space and the grace to feel, see, and receive your magic, purpose, and power most clearly. Allow it to hold you. 

Love and Light,


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