Shakespeare once said, “To sleep, perchance to dream…” But what if your sleep-dream states are fraught with unwelcomed mysteries?
States of sleep, and the sleep disruptions that many of you experience, are areas where science and spirituality often disagree. What science calls sleep hallucinations can be dream-induced moments of clairvoyance or clairaudience. Lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogia are a few of the more intoxicating moments of sleep-state that, much like sleep itself, are hard to explain, define, or control.
For spirits—both pure and ominent—sleep is a threshold, an opening for communicating with vulnerable souls here on Earth. Sometimes these messages are gentle, sacred, and soothing. Other times, they are wrought with fear. Today we tip-toe in and further explore the world and mystery of sleep—because Earth School is hard, and there must be rest for the weary.