January Love Note: Vision Activation!


The New Year challenge officially concludes (or should I say, begins!) with a call to Activate. In November, you Envisioned. In December, you Prepared. These New Year challenges roll into one another: your meditation and envisioning amplified by your personal inventory and vice versa. So, now it’s time to Activate all you’ve discovered and discerned.

This part of the process requires diligence, patience, and grace. It will test your boundaries. Some will welcome the new you, and others will not. Remember, when you make changes—whether subtle or strong—you trigger some people and inspire others. Lean into your support systems and allow the rest to navigate their own journey. And as challenging as personal change can be, it is exciting, rewarding, and full of freedom and joy! To be unbound by past limitations is one of the most important and healing life lessons a human can engage with. Keep this energy alive in your heart and spirit and you will not fail. The Activation journey is walking your walk supported and surrounded by this loving energy that will fuel and sustain you. 

So, what are you taking off your plate to allow space for you to engage and create something more meaningful and intentional to you and your calling? And of course, your mind will also throw doubts your way. You are human, and the mind loves to chatter. Allow those thoughts to flow through, then right back out. Show them the door. You don’t need them anymore. They no longer serve or enslave you. 

I believe in you and want to assist in your Activation, so below are two centering practices I’ve designed to help keep you focused and spiritually supported during this phase of growth and expansion:

Activate Your Energy—A Meditation Practice: This instant-access online video series includes four lessons. Each one consists of a pre-meditation segment that introduces material covered in that lesson, a video meditation practice, and lastly, printable journaling prompts for your post-meditation reflection and integration. The complete video series is accessible to you in its entirety through your personal account on my website. This allows you to begin your daily meditation journey immediately. And each segment of each lesson is broken out separately so you can return to any part you want when you are ready to practice or want to review a meditation segment.

Ignite Your Intuition: This self-paced pre-recorded telecourse will teach you some simple, powerful techniques to:

  • Clear away the noise in your system
  • Dial into the signals your body is sending
  • Practice in small ways to build your confidence
  • Heal past wounds from “missed or mixed” signals
  • Build trust in your own instincts and intuition
  • Claim your superpower of inner guidance
  • Live in harmony with your intuition and experience life’s magic!

Also included with the course is 5 x 60-minute audio recordings (available as mp3 downloads) and downloadable handouts.

Blessing to you and yours in 2002. All you’ve envisioned, lovingly prepared for, and soul-fully activated is yours. May you feel it real the whole way through. 

Love and Light,


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