
How important is it to Forgive?

Forgiving someone takes courage, strength, and empathy. And sometimes it’s hard to rally, especially when we feel crushed by the actions of another. What can be even more difficult, is forgiving ourselves.

Seeking, offering, and granting forgiveness is a key part of Earth School. It’s the way to clear hurts and entanglements that carry a low-vibe. And just like love, forgiveness must be given unconditionally. Today Julie and Brenda share their practices and rituals, and guide you through St. Germaines powerful Prayer of Forgiveness.

Free your heart and lift the weight holding a grudge leaves, with tools and guidance from the Other Side.

St. Germain’s Prayer

Beloved, Magic I AM Presence, I call on the Law of Forgiveness for me and all of mankind for all mistakes, misqualified energy, human consciousness, and for straying from the light.

Magic I AM Presence, blaze through and around me the Transmuting Violet Flame, Thy Sacred Fire. Purify and transmute now all impure desires, hard feelings, wrong concepts, imperfect etheric records, causes, cures, effects, and memories, known or hidden.  Keep this flame sustained and all-powerfully active. Replace all by pure substance, power of accomplishment, and the divine plan fulfilled.

Brenda Rose (a natural born gifted psychic and teacher) and Julie Rieger (author, The Ghost Photographer, and a natural-born comedienne) will guide you through otherworldly stories and insights to help you harness the power of The Other Side on their iHeart Radio podcast, Insider’s Guide to The Other Side.